
69,50 225,00 

4 different models of dioramas, with their decorative bases, are available, in painted or unpainted versions:

  • Lea’saa, Irinild & Turuk ‘Mask’ (Elves vol. 29)
  • Turuk ‘Shiel’ & Lanawyn (Elves vol. 21)
  • Bad Luck (Orcs & Goblins vol. 5)Orcs et Gobelins)
  • Redwin of the Forge (Dwarves vol. 1)

These dioramas represent the iconic comic book covers of the World of Aquilon.

SKU: N/A Category:
Weight N/A

Lea’saa, Irinild & Turuk ‘Mask’, Turuk ‘Shield’ & Lanawyn, Bad Luck, Redwin of the Forge


peint, prêt à peindre


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